What’s in a name? Towards standardizing the terminology of real-world data and real-world evidence

Written by Stuart McCully (Real-World Research Ltd)

Picture of Stuart McCully of Real-World Research Ltd on a purple background with the title of his guest column 'What’s in a name? Towards standardizing the terminology of real-world data and real-world evidence'

In this new series of articles, Stuart McCully (Real-World Research Ltd) explores the terminology we use when we talk about real-world evidence (RWE), the studies and analytics we conduct to generate RWR (real-world research), and the current challenges we need to overcome so that we can move beyond the basics and begin to speak to same language. Here Stuart explores the need for establishing clear and universally aligned definitions of real-world data (RWD) and RWE as a 'critical step' towards advancing the field.  Growing need for a common lexicon The use of RWE has been progressively expanding across various phases...

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