FDA launches mobile-friendly database on HIV therapies

Written by Ilana Landau, Editor

The US FDA has announced its launch of the largest publicly available, mobile database on antiretroviral (ARV) therapies for the management and treatment of HIV. The move represents a step towards increased public empowerment by enabling improved data access.

The US FDA has announced its launch of the largest publicly available, mobile database, comprising information on antiretroviral (ARV) therapies eligible for purchase under the US President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) program, for the management and treatment of HIV. The move represents a step forwards in the FDA’s continued commitment to tackling the HIV epidemic and improving public empowerment by enabling improved data access.

Founded in 2003, the PEPFAR program was designed to convene government agencies involved in tackling the global HIV epidemic, to ensure individuals, wherever they are located, have access to low-cost essential targeted therapies, by compiling the largest, most comprehensive and complete database on ARVs. To this day, the program remains the largest commitment, by any nation, to combat a single disease.

The FDA plays a critical role in ensuring that therapies made internationally available under the PEPFAR program of the same high quality, effectiveness and safety as any ARVs provided to individuals with HIV across the USA.

To date, the FDA has approved, or tentatively approved, over 200 lifesaving ARVs for dispensation across participating countries in the PEPFAR program. The full list of ARVs available for purchase as part of PEPFAR has been publicly accessible via the FDA’s website; the move to launch an interactive, mobile version of the database represents a step towards increased public and provider empowerment through greater dissemination of data on eligible ARVs.

The database will also contain valuable information on the suitability of eligible ARVs for use in pediatric populations, as well as manufacturing information, drug shelf lives and necessary storage criteria.

The mobile-friendly nature of the database is essential for allowing users in PEPFAR program participating countries to readily access vast amounts of important drug data, as in many of these countries, this may represent the only means of accessing these.

Stephen Hahn, FDA Commissioner of Food and Drugs, stated: “For the first time, health care providers, consumers, and procurers will be able to easily access the FDA-reviewed product labeling, which will provide additional important information to patients and health care providers such as the full prescribing information (i.e., package insert) that contains a summary of essential scientific information needed for safe and effective use of the drug.”

