A perspective on the future of patient engagement – Sheila Khawaja

Written by Phil Garner

Speaker biography Sheila Khawaja is a rare disease patient advocate since 2013, when she began her experience as the president of a grassroots pituitary organization in north-eastern Italy (ANIPI-FVG, Trieste, Italy), joining the national board (ANIPI-Italia, Treviso, Italy) shortly thereafter. In 2016, she joined the international board of the World Alliance of Pituitary Organizations (WAPO, Zeeland, The Netherlands), a global umbrella organization currently bringing together 40 national pituitary patient organizations around the globe. After the first year as a board member, she was invited to become the organization’s Vice-chair, a role she covered until May 2021, when she was nominated. Since 2016,...

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