Hot off the press: our picks of real-world evidence articles published in February 2024

Written by The Evidence Base

real-world evidence articles

Keeping up with the latest advancements in real-world research, encompassing the use of real-world data (RWD) to generate real-world evidence (RWE) for decision-making, can be a challenge. This year alone, almost 500 publications indexed on Medline have included RWE, with that number rising daily. In this new feature on The Evidence Base, we've curated a selection of some of these articles to keep you informed about the latest findings and insights across the spectrum of RWE research. Real-world evidence to inform regulatory decision making: A scoping review Authors: Marieke S Jansen, Olaf M Dekkers, Saskia le Cessie, Lotty Hooft, Helga...

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