RWE fights the good fight against antimicrobial resistance

Written by Darcy Hodge, Editor

Antimicrobial resistance

A study by the National Action Plan for Combating Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria (CARB; MA, USA) has continued ongoing efforts to understand antibiotic resistance. Supported by the FDA, the study utilized electronic health records (EHRs) from five hospitals in the Maryland (USA) area to extract antimicrobial resistance data. To combat antibiotics not treating infections, real-world evidence (RWE) on the trajectories of antibiotic treatments and patient outcomes were assessed. Through this, an automated method was developed to reliably extract real-world data (RWD). Using RWD sources, such as EHRs, were suggested to improve “access to the multicenter data needed to capture clinical practice and patient experience, streamlines analyses, and defends against [breaches] of patient privacy.” This is...

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